Find new radio traffic with your digital radio scanner with this reference of 19 radio frequencies authorized for use in Butte County, South Dakota. Frequencies are separated into two tables (conventional and trunked). For customized results, including data formatted for import into popular scanner programming software, visit the Digital Search Page.
Click here to jump to trunked frequencies.
FrequencyFrequency in Megahertz (MHz)
TypeClass Station Code (Transmitter Type) MO – Mobile (includes handhelds) FB – Base FB2 – Mobile Relay (conventional repeater) FB6 – Private Carrier for Profit FB8 – Centralized Trunk Relay (Trunked System) FBT – Temporary Base FX1 – Control Station (Possibly Dispatch Center) Click here for a list of all codes. |
PwrMax Output Power of Transmitter, Watts Used to determine strength of RF signal and the likelihood of receiving the frequency |
Entity NameThe licensee of the frequency. |
Call SignClick the hyperlink to view full license information on the FCC website. |
CityThe general location of the transmitter. Many licenses do not include this information—in such cases, the field will be blank. |
SrvcRadio Service Code Common examples: PW - Public Safety, Conventional IG - Industrial/Business, Conventional YG - Industrial/Business, Trunked YE - Public Safety, Trunked SY - Public Safety, Trunked 700 MHz Codes beginning with "Y" indicate trunked systems. Click here for a list of all codes. |
Eligibility ActivityThis description is useful for determining the purpose and use of the radio frequency.
| |
152.375 | DMR | FB2 | 45 | Minerals Technologies Co | WREC646 | Belle Fourche | IG | Company is in the business of mining. Radios will be used to coordinate employees and equipment. |
152.375 | DMR | MO | 45 | Minerals Technologies Co | WREC646 | Belle Fourche | IG | Company is in the business of mining. Radios will be used to coordinate employees and equipment. |
153.485 | DMR | FB2 | 45 | Minerals Technologies Co | WREC646 | Belle Fourche | IG | Company is in the business of mining. Radios will be used to coordinate employees and equipment. |
153.485 | DMR | MO | 45 | Minerals Technologies Co | WREC646 | Belle Fourche | IG | Company is in the business of mining. Radios will be used to coordinate employees and equipment. |
157.635 | DMR | MO | 45 | Minerals Technologies Co | WREC646 | Belle Fourche | IG | Company is in the business of mining. Radios will be used to coordinate employees and equipment. |
158.205 | DMR | MO | 45 | Minerals Technologies Co | WREC646 | Belle Fourche | IG | Company is in the business of mining. Radios will be used to coordinate employees and equipment. |
153.545 | NXDN | MO | 50 | GRAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC. | WQGR276 | Castle Rock | IG | Applicant will use frequencies for the daily operation and safety of their Electric Cooperative area of operations. |
153.725 | NXDN | MO | 50 | GRAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC. | WQGR276 | Castle Rock | IG | Applicant will use frequencies for the daily operation and safety of their Electric Cooperative area of operations. |
158.13 | NXDN | MO | 50 | GRAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC. | WQGR276 | Castle Rock | IG | Applicant will use frequencies for the daily operation and safety of their Electric Cooperative area of operations. |
158.19 | NXDN | MO | 50 | GRAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC. | WQGR276 | Castle Rock | IG | Applicant will use frequencies for the daily operation and safety of their Electric Cooperative area of operations. |
158.205 | NXDN | MO | 50 | GRAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC. | WQGR276 | Castle Rock | IG | Applicant will use frequencies for the daily operation and safety of their Electric Cooperative area of operations. |
158.325 | NXDN | MO | 50 | GRAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC. | WQGR276 | Castle Rock | IG | Applicant will use frequencies for the daily operation and safety of their Electric Cooperative area of operations. |
159.78 | NXDN | FB2 | 100 | GRAND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC. | WQGR276 | Castle Rock | IG | Applicant will use frequencies for the daily operation and safety of their Electric Cooperative area of operations. |
FrequencyFrequency in Megahertz (MHz)
TypeClass Station Code (Transmitter Type) MO – Mobile (includes handhelds) FB – Base FB2 – Mobile Relay (conventional repeater) FB6 – Private Carrier for Profit FB8 – Centralized Trunk Relay (Trunked System) FBT – Temporary Base FX1 – Control Station (Possibly Dispatch Center) Click here for a list of all codes. |
PwrMax Output Power of Transmitter, Watts Used to determine strength of RF signal and the likelihood of receiving the frequency |
Entity NameThe licensee of the frequency. |
Call Sign & LOC#Click the hyperlink to view full license information on the FCC website. The frequency location (site) number is listed below the call sign. |
CityThe general location of the transmitter. Many licenses do not include this information—in such cases, the field will be blank. |
SrvcRadio Service Code Common examples: PW - Public Safety, Conventional IG - Industrial/Business, Conventional YG - Industrial/Business, Trunked YE - Public Safety, Trunked SY - Public Safety, Trunked 700 MHz Codes beginning with "Y" indicate trunked systems. Click here for a list of all codes. |
Eligibility ActivityThis description is useful for determining the purpose and use of the radio frequency.
| |
451.4 | DMR | FB8C | 100 | Western Communications, Inc. | WPPF465 LOC 6 | NEWELL | YK | 2 WAY RADIO & PAGING SERVICE |
452.375 | DMR | FB8C | 100 | Western Communications, Inc. | WPPF465 LOC 6 | NEWELL | YK | 2 WAY RADIO & PAGING SERVICE |
452.675 | DMR | FB8C | 100 | Western Communications, Inc. | WPPF465 LOC 6 | NEWELL | YK | 2 WAY RADIO & PAGING SERVICE |
452.875 | DMR | FB8C | 100 | Western Communications, Inc. | WPPF465 LOC 6 | NEWELL | YK | 2 WAY RADIO & PAGING SERVICE |
These results were updated with the latest information from the FCC on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 9:42pm CDT.